Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cheap, But Excellent Red Wine

The other night, I had an excellent bottle of red wine called Centine (chen-TEE-nay). It wasn't the first time I've enjoyed this wine, an Italian blend of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.

Centine is produced by Banfi from the Tuscany region of Italy. It pairs well with pasta, veal, chicken, just about everything. Best of all, that bottle only cost me $10.99. It has to be one of the best values in red wine that you'll find anywhere -- proof that you don't have to spend more than $15 to buy a nice bottle of vino. (BTW, here is another great value in red.)

I have a couple more bottles of Centine in my wine cooler, waiting for some evening in the not too distant future.

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